Is maths a science?

Melanie 86 answers
Does mathematics count as a science? How does it compare to other scientific fields?
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Yes, mathematics is a science! One might even say it's the purest form of science, and all other sciences derive from it in some way. Without maths there would be no other scientific fields.
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Yes, mathematics is often seen as a type of science, but it is different from other scientific fields. Unlike sciences like physics, biology, or chemistry, which use experiments and observations to study the world around us, mathematics is based on logical thinking and solving problems with abstract ideas and reasoning.
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Aaron Newell
Verified Tutor
Hi Melanie, Yes, maths is a beautiful science which if explore carefully makes life and over existence very interesting and beautiful. Thanks, Aaron
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Hi I teach both maths and physics. To do a physics degree, or any school physics level your maths has to be one year behind e.g. an Honours degree also has a BSc in maths because all science and particularly physics requires high levels of maths. So maths is really the language of sciences so that scientists can understand what they are doing in different cultures e.g. Usa and India speak differently but physic and maths people can communicate
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yes it is
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Yes maths is science. Maths is classified as a formal science, which includes disciplines that use formal systems to study abstract structures, relationships, and concepts. Other formal sciences include logic, statistics, and computer science.Unlike natural sciences, which study the physical world through observation and experimentation, formal sciences are more concerned with deductive reasoning and theoretical frameworks. Mathematics, in particular, deals with abstract entities like numbers, shapes, and functions, and it relies on logical reasoning to establish truths
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Maths is a science I agree but it's not based on deep experiments .it depends on logics and help solving problems
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No, but yes common sense in some areas.
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Hi, maths is a tool to give a significant form to any observation, either a physical observation or biological understanding. Nothing is possible without mathematics. So in the simplest way we can say mathematics is the mother of all sciences. If maths is nothing then without mathematics science is nothing. Hope done for the question.
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100% yes! When thinking about what science really is, there are several schools of thought. I like to think of science as a nesting doll. The largest nesting doll is mathematics, the first concept of science. The next is physics/engineering, which are both essentially applied mathematics. Next you have chemistry, which is applied physics/engineering; then biology, which is applied chemistry, and then you have psychology and other social sciences.
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Qurat ul ain
Yes maths is a science. The science which is very important and use in daily life routine. Mathematics is the purest form of science.
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it,s not technically termed a Science (assuch) but can be implemented vastly in Science
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Yes, mathematics count as a science and mathematics will help to develope your science knowledge.
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Wadeia kousar
Of course Mathematics is a science because its used every fields.
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It's an essential tool for science and there can be considerable overlap with physics but personally parts of maths are more of an art with skills similar to music
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Fidelis Mukudi
Yes, mathematics is a Science. It is a natural science that is the basis of computations in other natural sciences.
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Yes, it is a science subject because in it , we learn new scientific method to solve our daily life problem and works like in simple adding, substraction, multiplication and division.
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Definitely! It is considered a science subject mostly in A level. I think this is because it is an important subject for engineering,architecture,and other similar courses. Hope that helps.xx😊
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Mathematics is not necessarily a science, but it's like the very basis of science. It's integrated with every science and the world wouldn't exist without it.
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Ah, mathematics! The purest, most divine form of intellectual pursuit! Mathematics is often considered the queen of the sciences. While it may not fit the traditional mold of empirical sciences like physics or biology, its role is no less majestic. Mathematics is the language of the universe, the very fabric upon which the laws of nature are written. Unlike other sciences that rely on observation and experimentation, mathematics is built on logic and proof. It seeks to uncover eternal truths through rigorous reasoning and abstract thought. In comparison to other scientific fields, mathematics stands as the foundation upon which they are built. Physics, for example, uses mathematical equations to describe the behavior of the physical world. Chemistry relies on mathematical principles to understand molecular interactions. Even the life sciences, such as biology, use statistics and models to make sense of complex biological systems. While empirical sciences may propose theories supported by evidence, mathematics offers the certainty of proof. A mathematical theorem, once proven, is an unassailable truth, standing the test of time and scrutiny. This is a level of certainty that empirical sciences can rarely achieve. In essence, mathematics is not just a science; it is the ultimate science, the one that underpins all others. It is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos, the tool that allows us to transcend the limitations of our senses and grasp the infinite. To worship mathematics is to worship the very essence of knowledge and understanding. Would you like to delve deeper into any specific area of mathematics or its applications in other sciences?
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Mathematics is often considered a foundational discipline for science, but it’s not a science in the same way that fields like biology, chemistry, or physics are.
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Maths is a science subject as well as an art subject
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Maths will be involved in almost all subjects, whether it's chemistry, physics or even biology(to calculate the energy consumption in reactions). So yeah, maths is a fundamental institute of all sciences.
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Ramzana Nawzer
Maths is connected with Science, where it helps in Physics calculations, chemistry calculations and to understand some biological processes. The initial pattern making connects with all these areas to think logically.Those who enjoy doing Maths will enjoy learning Science as well.
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Mathematics is not a pure science. Sciences can use mathematics. Mathematics rely on logical proof. Unlike sciences, it can't be falsified.
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While mathematics is not a science in the traditional empirical sense, it is a crucial tool and a foundational discipline that supports and enhances scientific understanding across many fields. Its precision, logical structure, and ability to model complex systems make it an indispensable part of scientific inquiry.
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Yes it does because if your doing physics or biology you will need to do problem solving and that is where maths will come into place.
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Muhammad Abubakar
Science is all maths. Maths itself is just logic in its purest form :')
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Hello ! Yes maths count definately as a Science. It is actually a very first one and important in order for other sciences to be understood.
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John Ebishue
Pure science it is
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Math contribute its parts in other sciences as well. Although it is itself a science .
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Christine Zachary
Maths is a science. Sciences heavily rely on Maths for expressions and calculations. Maths is a number science the others are worded
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It is a science, though not a natural science like physics for example. Maths is the language science speaks in, to describe and better understand phenomena that we see everyday. All fields in science require some degree of maths, some need more whereas others do not, so without it there would not be science as advanced as what we have now.
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Maths is the base subject of science. Be it physics, chemistry or even biology. You need maths to build the foundation for other subjects. For example, Physics in a way uses a lot of applied mathematics!
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Mathematics is not typically classified as a science because it focuses on abstract concepts and logical reasoning rather than empirical observation and experimentation. However, it is essential to scientific disciplines, as it provides the tools and frameworks necessary for analyzing and modeling various phenomena.
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Science is observation and experimentation of the natural world, I suppose Maths could be seen as observation and experimentation with numbers and logic.
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I think science counts as mathematics. Mathematics is logical reasoning and science is logical reasoning of nature. Even economics, politics are logical reasoning of country. So mathematics is superset and other fields are subset. It doesn't compare, it's part of every subject.
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Yes maths is a science as it is very closely linked with physics they both contain maths
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Hi Melanie Although not recognised as a science in the traditional sense, science would not have advanced without mathematics. It is used in all calculations and experimental methods. In scientific research, statistics are used to draw conclusions of frequency, order, reliability and correlation for just a few examples. There is also strong links between maths and philosophy and some people chose to study this combination at degree level and beyond.
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Noreen Abbas
Maths differs from natural and social sciences in its methods and focus, it is an essential part of the scientific enterprise. It provides the necessary tools for other sciences to quantify, model, and predict phenomena in the natural world, making it an indispensable component of scientific study.
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Wai-Man Kwok
Verified Tutor
Just like many other concepts, "science" is often used in two senses -- a narrow sense and a broad sense. Under the narrow sense, science is empirical. For example, when we talk about doing scientific experiments/observations, science is empirical. But mathematics is not empirical (does not need empirical evidence to confirm/verify mathematical statements), so mathematics is not a science in this sense (unlike physics, chemistry, biology and so on). However, under the broad sense of "science", mathematics is a formal science (another example is logic), though not an empirical science. Empirical sciences are crucially different from formal sciences, yet it should be noted that they are intimately related because the former use the latter as tools, such as physics relies heavily on mathematics.
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mathematics is a formal science. It is based on logical reasoning and the manipulation of abstract concepts, such as numbers, shapes, and functions. Mathematics provides the language and tools that are essential for many scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. It helps to formulate theories, make predictions, and analyze data. However, because it does not study the natural world directly but instead explores relationships between abstract entities, some people consider it distinct from empirical sciences like physics or biology.
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Christogonus Sunday
Maths is a tool used in everyday life.
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Hey Yes> Mathematics is considered a formal science. It uses abstract structures and logical reasoning to study quantity, structure, space, and change. It differs from natural sciences like physics or biology but shares systematic study and analysis aspects. Best of luck for your studies TM
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Mathematics is like the secret key to all science! While other sciences use experiments and observations, math helps us understand and explain the world with numbers and logic. It provides the tools to solve problems and make sense of everything from how the universe works to how living things grow.
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Savasha Brown
Maths isn't a science, however, they coincide together.
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Mathematics is both a discipline in its own right and an essential component of virtually every other scientific field. Its abstract nature and logical rigor make it foundational to the scientific enterprise, providing the tools and frameworks necessary for understanding the natural world
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Yes Mathematics is a science that can apply in real life situations
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Mathematics is not a science in the traditional sense because it relies on abstract reasoning and proofs rather than empirical data and experimentation. It provides essential tools and frameworks for scientific fields but operates with different methods.
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Physics is maths, chemistry is physics and biology is chemistry.
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James Anyange
Yes maths is a science, as its a way of building more discoveries, the formulae, equations that leads to future innovations. Maths is related to science as its the foundation of explaining the basic scientific life actions, such as the newton law's of motion.
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Maths is a part of science, physics, but it is not a science on its own.
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Maths is not a Science. But no science or profession can exist without maths. Hope this tells the importance of being a good mathmetician.
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Yes , maths is a science of numbers.
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Hi Melanie, yes, Mathematics in actually fact is the bedrock of science. I will say, it is the fundamental by which science stands.
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Hi Melanie! The present science subjects if actually understood well and studied, then we will find that everything in the theories boils down to mathematics as the backbone structure of the nature of reality, in which we exist. Science is the understanding of how mathematics affect us in this physical world. If we change the physical constants like Avogadro's number, plank's number the reality of our science and the present universe will change and we might enter into an another kind of universe where the laws of physics are different to the current ones. So mathematics is not science, Mathematics is the way in which nature of physical reality exists for us. Science is an abstraction of mathematics!
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Ashwin Rajesh Vanaja
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Yes, mathematics is often considered a science, specifically a formal science. Unlike natural sciences like physics or biology, which study the physical world through observation and experimentation, mathematics focuses on abstract structures, logical reasoning, and the relationships between numbers and shapes.
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Anthony Jones
Yes, maths may not be considered a science, but it is definitely part of all science topics using numbers and formulas.
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Yes its a science because everything is required sums to solve if you haven't any know how about maths then you cant be perfect in any subject
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Yes, upto some extent its maths has its scientific uses
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Mathematics is a heart of science because mathematics is applied in Scientific calculations. Mathematics uses theories and hypothesis but no experiments.
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Mathematics is a unique field that uses scientific methods but lacks empirical evidence. It's objective and universal, yet abstract, setting it apart from other sciences. Mathematics serves as a foundational tool for fields like physics, computer science, and engineering, but its distinct nature sparks debate about its classification as a science.
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Math is almost the same. I think about science is based on facts, method scientific or something like that. Math studies ideas, axiomatic principles or esquematic thoughts or another kind of questions.
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Joachim Moussounda Mouanda
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Yes, mathematics count as a science. In other sciences like physics and chemistry, they find or prove something by experiment. In maths, they find or prove by formula, identities and constructions.
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Ramakrishnan Siva Prakasam
Yes it is a Science as it is having definite result. Mathematics is normally known as Queen of Science.
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"Mathematics is the key and a tool that unlocks the mysteries of science."
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Yes, mathematics is considered a science subject, often classified as a formal science. Unlike natural sciences like biology or physics, which study the natural world, mathematics focuses on abstract structures, numbers, patterns, and logical reasoning. It serves as a foundational tool for other sciences, providing the language and methods used to model and solve scientific problems.
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Emina Jahic
Hi, Melanie. Mathematics is, without a doubt, a science, and, to quote my Physics professor: "Mathematics is a tool in the hands of Physicists". I would add, also a basis for many other scientific fields.
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Definately, maths has its own roles and order. Also there is always one correct answer at the end of the day too- it is an exact science.
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Scientifically, maths and science are both interrelated, science needs math to calculate things and maths needs science(physics) to calculate theoretically!
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It is classified as science because it is the bedrock at which other science subjects take their stand. Without mathematics you can't be efficient in physics, chemistry and biology
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Zodwa Mandebvu
I say it. It has shapes and involves calculations especially of time,speed and distance which s also applicable to most science experiments , calculations and helps in making hypothesis and deductions or conclusions
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Maths is such a subject, it always has high demand in all professions. Mathematics is used in all subjects.
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