Here are some key tips for mathematics tutors to help your students prepare for important exams.
AS/A level topics include Pure MATHS, Core 1, 2, 3, 4, Mechanics, and Statistics.
GCSE MATHS topics include Number, Algebra, Line and Graphs, Geometry, Probability, and Statistics. Each topic contains subtopics that need to be covered.
In conclusion, consider contacting a mathematics tutor from FindTutors. Regular home visits from a tutor can help manage the workload and make exams less daunting. You can ask the tutor to explain specific topics and go over exam papers. Maths tutors are happy to provide written and oral answers. If regular visits are financially burdensome, even one visit per week or twice per month can be beneficial.
Mathematics tutors may be available on Sundays or bank holidays. Try to arrange a convenient time with them. Show your maths tutor the topics you don’t understand well, and ask for additional exercises with feedback. Tutors can also demonstrate the use of a scientific calculator, especially for AS or A level MATHEMATICS students.
Maths tutors should set up sessions in exam conditions, providing you with past exam papers and written and oral answers. Do not be afraid to ask your mathematics tutor for explanations.
A worry shared is a worry halved. Do not leave everything until the last minute; try to do some work in advance.
Before the exam, try to have 2-3 good nights of rest so that you are not too tired to do the exam.