Paul 4 answers

Why the pronunciation is basic to achieve fluency?
When you speak a second language, your pronunciation defines understanding.That is why the pronunciation exercises focused on the Spanish vowels (a,e,i,o,u) are decisive to be able to speak clearly.
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Pronunciation is a crucial aspect of achieving fluency in a language because it affects how well you can communicate with others. When you have correct pronunciation, others can more easily understand what you're saying, which can help you feel more confident in your language skills and improve your ability to interact with native speakers.
Additionally, pronunciation is closely linked to listening skills. If you're able to hear and identify different sounds in a language, you'll have a better understanding of how to produce those sounds yourself. This can help you improve your overall language comprehension and communication skills.
Finally, mastering pronunciation also involves learning the rhythm, intonation, and stress patterns of a language, which can convey important meaning and emotion in communication. This can help you convey your intended message more effectively and accurately.
Overall, while other aspects of language learning such as vocabulary and grammar are important, pronunciation is a critical element that cannot be overlooked if you want to achieve fluency in a language.
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If you don’t have a very high level of the language, the main thing about communicating is to make yourself understood, but, bad pronunciation can affect your communication level. Thick accents really hinder verbal fluency. Pronunciation is all about making sure you sound clear and easy to understand.
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Because it means also you level of understanding of the language.
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I think it depends of the language, for example, in many cases, pronunciation it's important because it can change the meaning or intention for the message, in spanish you can say "Yo visito a mi mamá", that means I visit my mom (in present), and the other example could be "El visitó a su mamá", that means he visited his mom (in past), in writting we can observe the accent and it's easy, but in speaking changes "Visito" and "Visitó", the last 'o' you have to emphasize in pronunciation to be understood.
I hope it helps you to understand a little more with my point of view :)
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