Why do we have to learn maths? It's a question that almost every child has asked at some point. It's a very good question given that, as adults, we often forget to provide meaning to the things we ask our children to do. If your child needs help with studying maths, it's worth finding tutors for maths. But in order to motivate your child to learn, it's important you know what to answer when they ask you this question as to why we need maths.
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Why is it important to learn maths?
There are many reasons why learning and understanding maths is important. Here are just a few of these reasons:
- Learning maths helps brain development. According to a study conducted at Stanford University, it was found that people who understand and apply maths perform better on several cognitive tasks such as decision-making and visual attention.
- Learning maths empowers logical reasoning. In addition to reasoning, the ICMI (International Commission on Mathematical Instruction) confirms that maths allows us to have a better understanding of other areas of knowledge, such as history, science, music and art.
- Maths also helps us in solving everyday problems. We would not be able to carry out everyday activities without knowing maths. You can reflect with your child on why maths is important everyday with specific examples appropriate to their age. For example, how would you calculate how much you´ve spent at the supermarket in a week? Or how can you calculate how much pocket money you've saved in a month?
What maths content do children struggle with the most?
No one said that learning maths does not require effort and dedication. Many children often find a lot of what we learn in maths is tedious, and let's face it, a little boring. According to the experience of some private maths tutors, some students have more difficulty in acquiring and retaining maths knowledge than others.
But fear not! There are many ways in which we can help our child overcome the anxieties they may have and struggles they face in learning maths.
One example of a topic many children struggle with is the times tables. Who hasn't had a hard time learning the times tables? We can't deny that it is a difficult task as a child. Many students are easily frustrated and unmotivated. So, how can you help them?
- Seek after-school tuition in maths. If you recognise early on that your child needs support in learning to multiply, you can seek the help of a professional maths tutor that can support your child with different strategies for learning.
- Use concrete material. It is not unknown that children learn best by playing. Instead of giving a straightforward lesson, it's more beneficial if you use games and materials. In this way, you will not only be helping your child learn to multiply, but you will also have fun and spend quality time with them.
- Use music and lyrics. Using songs and rhymes can help children to memorise times tables in a way that is much more enjoyable for them. On YouTube, you will find a lot of videos that you can choose from with your children.
However, for older children, perhaps those who have just started secondary school, equations are a topic which can cause a lot of stress. Here are some ideas on how to help with learning equations:
- Online maths classes. When studying equations, students are usually at an age where they are more autonomous, so surely taking them to a class is quite a challenge for parents. As an alternative you can try online tuition, which allows them to get the help they need from anywhere.
- Encourage practice. To succeed in solving equations, the main thing is to practise and practise. There is no single secret to success in motivating your child. Try to motivate them with positive rewards, not necessarily with material prizes, but maybe the choice of movie to watch as a family or the Sunday afternoon game. The idea is to think about how you can motivate them to be consistent in their practice.
Why is it so important to have a solid foundation in maths?
From the earliest years in school, maths is one of the most important pillars of our children's education. The maths we learn in early education is the fundamental foundation for the later development of mathematical skills, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and from there, more complex skills.
Maths tutors have stressed the importance of knowing what maths skills our children need to manage at an early age, so that they are better prepared for more complex maths in later years.
For this reason, supporting young children in the development of simple skills such as number concepts, solving simple mathematical problems and more, is crucial for their future performance and engagement in maths.
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Together with a team of maths tutors specialised in early years learning, we have drawn up a list of concepts and skills that children should acquire, little by little, in their first years of schooling.
- Number sense. This means children should have a basic understanding of quantities and counting.
- Patterns. Following picture and number patterns at various levels of complexity are the foundations of counting and basic maths.
- Spatial-temporal sense. This corresponds to the ability to know and classify objects according to what is long or short, tall or wide, etc. It is also related to knowing the days of the week, months, dates, seasons and how the calendar works.
- Estimation. Children from an early age begin to estimate. An example of estimation is where they guess the quantity of objects inside a container. Less concrete skills are used here, so for many it can be more complex given their stage of development.
- Problem solving. Mathematical problem solving is one of the most complex skills. Before pupils begin to read, they have already begun to solve everyday problems that require maths. With early problem solving like adding and subtracting, it's a good idea to share the problem using storytelling. This way, children can better visualise the problem and how to solve it.
What do maths tutors recommend to their students?
Private tutors who provide after-school tuition in maths often say that one of the common issues they see among their students is lack of motivation in learning maths. So how can you support your child?
- Positive reinforcement: don't expect your child to improve their academic results immediately. Recognise their effort and when they are improving little by little. Also ensure to reflect when they are demotivated to understand why. All of this will help them to become more confident in their own abilities.
- Work as a team: when your child is going through a challenging time, it is important that you work together with the school and their maths tutor. Tutors are your best allies in this process, rely on them and their experience.
- Don't get frustrated: many times these situations can be stressful for parents. There may also be a financial strain with hiring private tuition and perhaps other specialists. This is completely normal and all children need support in one way or another. Just remember to relax and trust that everything will turn out fine in the end.
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