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No pasa nada means 'no problem'. A context could be if you hold the door open for someone and they thanked you, your reply might be 'no pasa nada'. Or if you help a friend or colleague with a task for which they said 'gracias', you could respond 'no pasa nada'. It is perhaps a slightly more formal version of 'no problem(a)'. Hope that helps!
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The expression "no pasa nada" literally translates "Nothing happens" and can be used in phrases such as: "Nothing happens, darling" and similar phrases. In Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Spain, it is used as a response to an expression of gratitude such as: "Thank you for your help" or simply "Thank you", and the interlocutor responds: "no pasa nada", which would translate: "no problem" and that, ultimately, means: "your welcome".
It can also be used as a diplomatic response to certain expressions of concern or apology such as: "What a pity, I can't help you with the cost of the ticket, I didn't bring any money", or "I apologize for being late for the appointment", etc. The interlocutor responds: "no pasa nada", which in these cases means "don't worry" or "no problem" or "it doesn't matter."
It is also used in phrases or statements such as: “No pasa nada con el trabjador nuevo” o “No pasa nada con ese jugador” (literal translate: "Nothing happens with the new worker" and "Nothing happens with that player"), which means that the worker and the player neither have the skills nor meet the expectations or the requirements to perform the functions for which they were hired.
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Hello, Miranda. The phrase "No pasa nada" is used in a very informal context or situation (friends, family). It has several meanings but the most used are:
-It's ok or you are welcome (when someone thanks you for something).
I hope my explanation has been useful to you. Cheers.
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