Are there any apps for learning to play piano?

Adevi 5 answers
I've been going to a music school for a while, but I'd like to be able to practise from home.
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There are many apps online that will tell you their main goal is to teach you the basics of the instrument, however this never gives you an overall understanding of the scales, the upwards and downwards progression of all the notes in one key, or arpeggios, the playing of the consecutive notes in each chord of one key (e.g. A Major, F Minor, etc.). Therefore, the best form of learning you can do is to use an online platform called “Musescore”, enter in the notes of different scales and arpeggios to give yourself a basic understanding and foundation to work on. Musescore also has a lot of other users who post their own unique arrangements of popular songs — so if you are interested, you may also use their arrangements and play your favourite artists songs, on your own piano! I also suggest watching YouTube videos that teach you the basics as well, however MuseScore will give you the ability to actually hear it for yourself and let you read the notes at the same time!
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Andrea Rose Lamballe
You can find someone to visit your home to teach you one to one. Or there are piano apps you can use. If you google piano apps you will find one on there
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I like the sight reading apps that help with note recognition. There are loads to choose from. It is like a game and can turn something boring into a game.
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Harry James Flanigan
Verified Tutor
For music skills, I'd try: - Complete ear trainer and - Complete rhythm trainer Both of these are grade for beginner or advanced players. If you are just learning to read notes, why not try STAFF WARS. A star wars themed note learning game. Lot of fun! Best of luck!
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