What are the benefits of learning a second language?

What are the benefits of learning a second language later in life?

Through our younger years, we are forever learning and adapting to new situations. In our jobs, with our friends and family, as well as having to learn new things for work or tackle a new challenge with our kids.  However, when we get older, we slow down physically as well as mentally.  It is known that slowing down physically can affect our health such as our flexibility, bone density and overall mobility, but we rarely think of what slowing down mentally actually does.  I believe that physical health and mental health go hand in hand.

There are many ways to stay active mentally, such as doing crossword puzzles, building puzzles, playing chess and reading, but the one thing that really keeps our mind adaptive is learning English or any other language.  

Learning English can delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's' disease by keeping our brains active and engaged.  Bilingualism prevents the brain from any age-related decline.  It of course strengthens our memory by exercising and creating new pathways in our brain in order to retain and recall new information.  This therefore enhances our short-term and long-term memory.  We are also able to increase our problem-solving skills as well as our critical thinking.  By creating these new pathways, we are limiting the onset of dementia. Is that alone not worth the lessons?

After retirement, our brains come to a complete halt in learning and adapting and we probably may feel a bit stagnant, so learning English provides us with mental stimulation.  It certainly is a great and fun way to provide us with mental stimulation, improving our brain function, which therefore maintains the sharpness of our thinking.  This therefore adds value to our continued personal growth, which keeps our minds curious and challenged.  It adds value to our daily lives by interacting with other people online or in person. It also encourages us to book that holiday so we can go practice our new skill!

Learning English these days gives us great opportunities to learn about other cultures and still be able to maintain our social lives.  There are so many different platforms you can learn English online, which introduces us to many different cultures and nationalities from all around the world.  Who needs to travel, right? Some platforms allow you to not even have to book an actual class, but you can log on whenever you have a moment and find a teacher on standby.  We are able to learn about certain countries first hand from people living in them before we decide to go travel to them.  Being taught English from a native English speaker from that country gives us the confidence to travel there and already know the "lingo" and culture.  The online world has made the actual world very small.

Find Private English Lessons

If you have not yet embarked on your wonderful English learning journey, then now is the time to start language lessons, no matter what age you are!

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