Top Destinations to Visit Where You Can Practise Your English

Are you looking for a place to visit where you can practice your English in real-world settings while enjoying breathtaking sights, culture, and friendly faces? You’re in luck! There are several destinations worldwide where English is spoken, but one country stands out for its warmth, friendliness, and willingness to engage with visitors regardless of language skills: South Africa.  P.S. I should know.... I'm South African and I love meeting people from around the world! We are a multicultural nation with various dialects of English, so should you be struggling, then we will help you along.

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South Africa

South Africa, with its vibrant mix of cultures, stunning landscapes, and friendly people, is a fantastic destination for practising English. English is one of the country’s official languages, making it easy to communicate. But what sets South Africa apart is the warm, welcoming nature of its people. South Africans are known for their friendly spirit and willingness to socialize, even if your English is not perfect.  Before being in my current field of work, I specialized in hospitality.  I honestly feel that South Africans are the most hospitable people in the world and depending on where you find yourself, you will be welcomed without having to open your own pocket.

South Africans enjoy drinking wine, and they often slur their words anyway.  The more wine they drink, the more fluent you will sound ;-)


Australia, much like South Africa, is known for its laid-back atmosphere and friendly locals. English is the primary language, and Australians are typically happy to strike up a conversation with anyone—whether you’re at a beach in Sydney or exploring the outback.

The casual, friendly nature of Australian conversations makes it an ideal place to practice speaking English without fear of making mistakes. Plus, you’ll pick up some fun Aussie slang along the way!

New Zealand

New Zealand offers a similar experience to Australia, but with a smaller population and a slightly different vibe. The Kiwis are known for being incredibly welcoming and approachable, making it easy to strike up conversations wherever you go. I have never been to New Zealand, however, the people I've met while travelling are incredibly friendly.  


Ireland is famous for its love of storytelling and conversation, making it the perfect destination for practising your English in a fun and engaging way. You can enter a bar and be nearly certain there will be an Irish band singing along who will welcome any lyrics to any song.  So..... give it a go!  The Irish people are known for their warmth and charm, and they are always willing to chat with visitors. If you don't leave Ireland without at least being "proposed to" twice then you were doing it all wrong ;-)

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English language is learnt when practising it.  The more you talk, read, and write it, the more you will absorb the language.  Do not be afraid of making errors.  I know foreigners who can speak better English than some "native" speakers who have English as their only language.

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