Are You Struggling with Revising Content-Heavy Subjects: Tips to Conquer GCSE and A-Level Biology

If you are a GCSE or A-Level science student struggling with biology, either with respect to understanding the key concepts or combatting the content-heavy syllabus, this article is for you.

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The content provided as part of the GCSE and A-Level biology syllabus is often daunting, with many students struggling to know where to start their revision. This can amount to quite a set-back in how student's view biology as a subject. Personally, biology was my favourite subject at school, but it did slightly dominate my revision efforts to cover all of the content thoroughly. Having different biology teachers throughout my secondary education, I found there was a way for biology to be taught in a more cohesive manner, allowing for connections to be drawn between the teachings and for students to be able to visualise the processes being taught.

Here are a few tips that carried me through university education while staying on top of the content:

  1. Take summarised notes throughout the year

After every module, take summarised notes of the topic. Many students fall into the trap of simply rewriting the notes provided by the teacher, however, this results in far too much information. To avoid this, the topic in question needs to be understood for the student to be able to know what the most important information is and what should be included in their revision notes. Taking notes consistently minimises the amount of writing required before exams, which helps alleviate some exam-stress.

     2.  Include colourful diagrams where appropriate

Biology is one of the subjects that could be taught solely through the use of diagrams. Using colour-coded and labelled diagrams is a great way of maximising one’s ability to recalling information during an exam. 

     3. Immerse yourself in the practical lessons

There are several practical elements to GCSE and A-Level biology that can be demonstrated within a laboratory environment. Understanding the processes occurring during the practical lesson is essential and will help put the teachings into action. Get as involved as you can. 

     4. Create a mind map linking all the topics together to understand the workflow of the syllabus

This is a great tip and helped me massively. I often felt as though the topics being taught were jumping about and unrelated. However, through creating a mind map, linking the topics together, helped me follow the process of the teachings. This helps students visualise the process of how the topics are intertwined and allows for a more seamless studying experience. 

     5. Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help

Biology teachers are well aware that the subject is content heavy, and it is often a point of struggle, especially with students who haven't found revision techniques that work for them. Ask your teacher for further explanation if there is something you are stuck on, as well as resources and descriptive videos that may help. Also, you can consider seeking for private science lessons.

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Overcoming these issues will empower students to really understand biology as a subject, and, in turn, encourage students to immerse themselves in the subject with interest and enjoyment.

Best of luck on your studies! 

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