• 2025 GCSE and A-Level exam timetables (...

2025 GCSE and A-Level exam timetables (PDF)

Irem Cohantimur

As the academic year progresses, so too is the 2025 GCSE and A-Level exam season. This statement isn't meant to scare you or cause anxiety; it's simply a reminder that with exams soon near, we should do our best to start preparing early. Ensuring we prepare and organise with ample time means we can minimise the stressful, last-minute cramming that often arises around exam time.

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In this blog, we´ll give you an overview of the GCSE and A-Level exam dates for some of the most common exam boards, as well as some insights on when you should start revising and, if need be, when to seek the help of a private exam preparation tutor.

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When are the GCSE exams in 2025?

The GCSE exam season for 2025 is said to be from Monday, May 5th, until Friday, June 20th. However, this may vary slightly according to each of the exam boards. The dates provided in the tables below are an estimate of when these exams will be, but they may be subject to change. We've outlined the dates only for a number of the core subjects taken at GCSE. If you have any further subjects, the dates for their exams can be found on the official websites of the corresponding exam boards.


GCSE timetables according to the exam board:

2025 GCSE and A-Level Exam Dates 2025 PDF




English Language

23rd May (AM)
6th June (AM)


15th May (AM)
4th June (AM)

11th June (AM)


13th May (PM)
7th June (M)


19th May (AM)
13th June (AM)


22nd May (AM)

16th June (AM)




English Language

23rd May (AM)
6th June (AM)


15th May (AM)
4th June (AM)

11th June (AM)


13th May (PM)
7th June (PM)


19th May (AM)
13th June (AM)


22nd May (AM)

16th June (AM)




English Language

7th May (AM)
20th May (AM)


15th May (AM)
4th June (AM)


17th May (AM)
11th June (AM)


19th May (AM)
13th June (AM)

20th June(PM)


22nd May (AM)

16th June (AM)

When are the A-Level exams in 2025?

A-Level exams in 2025 are said to start on May 12th and finish around June 27th. In the table below, we've outlined the chosen dates for some of the most popular subjects in the AQA exam board. Please note that, as with GCSE, some of the dates of these exams could be subject to change.

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English Language

21st May (PM)
4th June (PM)

English Literature

14th May (PM)
22nd May (AM)


6th June (AM)  16th June (AM)


13th May (AM) 22nd May (PM)


20th May (AM)
9th June (AM)


23rd May (AM)
6th June (PM)


4th June (PM)

12th June (PM)

19th June (PM)

Media Studies

19th May (PM)
5th June (PM)


9th June (PM)


5th June (PM)
13th June (AM)

18th June (AM)


10th June (AM)
16th June (AM)  20th June (AM)


23rd May (AM)

9th June (AM)

17th June (AM)


20th May (PM)  5th June (PM)  10th June (AM)


16th May (AM)

21st May (AM)

9th June (AM)

Religious Studies

10th June (PM)

17th June (PM)


19th May (AM)

4th June (AM)

13th June (PM)


3rd June (AM)

11th June (AM)

When should I start revising for my exams?

While it´s tempting to leave exam revision until a couple of weeks before your exams take place, the truth is that the earlier you start, the less stressed you'll feel at the time of your exams. The best way to start with your revision is to create a study schedule for yourself. That way, you can study little by little every week, and ensure you cover all of the topics you need to study before your exams take place. This also allows you to see what areas you might be struggling with and what you´ll need to revise again.

How do I revise for exams?

There are many ways you can revise for GCSE & A-Level exams, and there isn't a one size fits all approach to this. We all have different learning styles and what works for others, may not work for us. To start with, it might be helpful to try a combination of approaches. In this way, you can see which methods work best for you.

Below we've outlined just some of the methods you can use in your revision:

  • Repetition and memorisation: This involves repeating the content you need to learn, whether it's reading or writing over and over again, or repeating them to yourself aloud. This could be used for learning vocabulary in language classes or memorising formulas for maths or physics.
  • Mnemonic devices: Mnemonic devices are essentially creative techniques you can use in order to memorise information. For example through making acronyms, poems or songs. A good example of this is the acronym “Mr Vans Tramped” which is used to remember the irregular verbs that use the verb “être” in the past tense in French.
  • Flash cards: Flash cards are another great way of learning snippets of information such as formulas in maths, dates in history, or vocabulary in languages. You can prepare these well in advance and carry them in your bag, so if you find you ever have some free time, you can take them out and fit in a quick but effective revision session.
  • Past papers: Probably one of the most effective study tools you can use is past exam papers. You can usually find these on the official websites of the exam board you´re studying with. They give you an insight into the structure of the exam and what kind of topics may arise. It's recommended that you practise doing these exams under timed conditions so you can see how you´ll manage in the real exam and where you need to focus your time. Using past papers also allows you to see where you´ve made mistakes so that you can go back and revise this topic again.

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When should I find a private tutor?

Like with revision, it's beneficial to find a private tutor in the UK as soon as possible in the school year. A private tutor can guide you through your subject curriculum, help you keep on top of the course content throughout the year, and guide you through the exam structure and content in advance. Not only this, but they can teach you skills and techniques that will allow you to enter into the exam period feeling confident, calm and prepared.

That being said, it's never too late to find a private tutor. You could also find a private tutor online as soon as you notice that you´re struggling with certain subjects or that your grades are not where you want them to be. While it is not recommended that you find a tutor at the very last minute, particularly as it may be a little more difficult to find a good tutor in such a short time, scheduling a few sessions in the weeks before your exams can only benefit you.

To conclude, there is no doubt that if you start preparing for your 2025 exams now, your future self will thank you for it. Organising your study timetable and studying little-by-little each week will allow you to embrace exam season with a positive attitude. Remember to take regular breaks between studying and continue doing the extra-curricular activities that help you to mentally unwind from schoolwork. One of the best things you can do for yourself as you approach exam season is learn how to remain calm.

We hope these tips will help you prepare for your 2025 exams.

Very best of luck!

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Irem Cohantimur
Content Specialist at FindTutors
Irem is a Content Specialist with experience in digital marketing, specialising in SEO and UK market trends. Originally from Turkey, now based in Barcelona, where she completed her Master's in Marketing. Fluent in Turkish and English, and currently improving her Spanish, Irem is passionate about marketing trends. With a strong background in both organic and paid marketing strategies, she enjoys crafting engaging digital content through her expertise in content development and data-driven insights.
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