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English as a foreign language Lessons
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I am a natiev English speaker and graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2022

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I read History at the University of Cambridge and graduated last year, having specialised modern British History but with additional modules covering the Renaissance, Classical period and expanding across Europe. Most significantly, however, my time at university was marked by the experiences I had one-to-one with my tutors, who both inspired me and pushed me to learn and achieve things I had not considered without their support – no matter the subject matter or time period. It is through these experiences that I came to see the true value of quality education, and most significantly, quality time spent between educators and students to create a most valuable and helpful relationship.
My experience working in Private Boarding education, as well as independent tutoring, has encouraged me to continue pursuing my passion for teaching and education and I would love to do this as part of your company. I have loved nurturing relationships with young people through education and being able to share my passion for learning by building confidence and capability. I have done this with larger groups in the classroom, as well as tutoring independently online. Whilst both modes have been great opportunities to expand my teaching ability and experience, I feel that the one-to-one nature of independent tutoring offers the chance to individualise and develop ones teaching to progress the students learning at an even greater rate. Having seen the impact of such tutoring to improving confidence both within their subject and within themselves has led me to want to expand my experience of one-to-one tutoring. Further to this, the flexibility offered by online tutoring I have found to be valuable for both the tutor and the student and ensures that distance need not be a barrier to accessing the best match between student and tutor.
The skills I have developed through my time at university, working in education, and through my experiences working in different teams would ensure that I am well prepared to work with your organisation. I am very accustomed to working within a fast-paced environment, coordinating multiple projects at the same time. I am passionate about art, history, and cultural studies and my enthusiasm for travel and language is reinforced by my determination to self-teach both French and Spanish, as well as my plans to teach abroad in the years to come.
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