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Town/city/borough Southampton, Marchwood, Portswood
Yoga Lessons
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Qualified yoga instructor teaching children and young people

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I am a yoga instructor with a 500hr teaching training qualification, which I obtained in Kathmandu, Nepal in March 2020. I have since been teaching various forms of yoga, both in-person and online, and attained additional training for teaching yoga to children and young people.

I have an absolute passion for working with young people and believe this is the route I am destined to go down in terms of my career. I currently hold weekly after-school yoga classes in a local primary school, but am eager to teach students in further and higher education too. My latest employment was working for a charity that supports children and young people with epilepsy, and I am currently working on a book about abusive relationships, targeted at young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.

I understand and empathise with the challenges younger generations face as they first learn to navigate through life, specifically in terms of education, which is why my classes heavily focus on mental and emotional wellbeing. Alongside asana practice, I teach various, powerful self-help techniques, encouraging my students to adopt skills that give them the sense of empowerment and security that they are capable, in control and can support themselves.

As somebody who discovered yoga whilst facing these challenges in my late teens, I am confident in my teaching methods and believe I have a personality that makes me approachable to young people, that I make them feel comfortable and gain their trust easily.

I am more than happy to discuss my experience in more detail upon request.
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