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Biology Lessons
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Study Biology the slow learner's way!

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I'm a physician based in the UK, but I never really lost touch with my OL and AL Biology memories. I truly enjoyed studying it and teaching it to others.

During Covid, when kids were forced to school themselves, one of my younger cousins had trouble with some concepts in Biology like gene inheritance, classifications of single cell organisms, and evolution, among others. That was my first time having to teach someone anything, and through my journey with him, I discovered that my love for Biology is much deeper than I thought, and that contrary to what I always thought, being an introvert does NOT mean that I can’t be a teacher.

I discovered that in order to teach something effectively, you first need to have a deep understanding of it, then you need to be absolutely in love with it! Although that was more than 3 years ago, I still remember how enjoyable my teaching sessions with him were, and how joyful it was when I could see in his eyes the difference between the frustration of feeling unable to understand simple things to the relief of finally being able to unpack and enjoyably reassemble a concept that was once thought to be extremely boring and insurmountable.

For this reason, I decided to apply to become a part-time biology tutor for struggling students, hoping to help them better appreciate the beauty of such a dynamic and fascinating science.
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