Currently a Computer Science Student that is passionate in guiding and teaching struggling GCSE students on how simple Mathematics can be if taught well. I have over a year in experience teaching friends and family GCSE Mathematics and now I want to reach out to more students.
When growing up I noticed the method schools use to teach Mathematics was predominantly through repetition therefore resulting in students not having a full understanding of the topics. Therefore I believe the best way to teach is through explaining the theory behind a topic first before even attempting questions allowing students to get a better understanding of the topics.
I prefer teaching 2 hour lessons as I believe you can get a lot more done and help solidify the students understanding. My lessons would consist of going through PowerPoints and answering questions in a collaborative manner. I prefer teaching in a way where the student also has a say and can answer questions with me. When speaking about a problem and working collaboratively students should come to understand that Mathematics in its core is problem solving and can be very rewarding to students when done correctly.
My Journey: When joining my Computer Science degree I had not done any GCSE Mathematics in over two years which meant at 21 years old I had to self teach GCSE Mathematics. I managed to learn all of this content during my summer thanks to me being able to teach myself at my pace and being able to learn in my preferred learning style. Now I am going on to do A Level Mathematics during my degree which I will be sitting next year.
This is all to show that if you feel lost in GCSE Mathematics it might be because you have not been given the extra tailored support you need and I hope you provide that.