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A fascinating exploration into the science of sound with the School of Noise

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I am a teacher and musician specialising in sound. I run the School of Noise and have delivered talks and workshops in a wide variety of locations including schools, museums, festivals and arts centres around the world.

“The School of Noise workshop was absolutely fantastic! Dan’s explanations were engaging and accessible for all children. The children were extremely excited throughout the workshop and eager to understand the science behind sound and to explore all of the many resources Dan provided. Dan provided adjustments and differentiated activities for children with SEN concerns and was able to engage all children irrespective of their needs. Overall, we would strongly recommend the School of Noise workshop!”
— Akiva Primary School

“A massive thank you for today as all our children really enjoyed the workshop and finding out about sound. You were incredible and we will definitely be booking for next year!”
— Hawkedon Primary School

“Thank you for joining my class for such an informative and interactive sound workshop. My students really enjoyed the session and could not stop talking about it afterwards.”
— Al Huda Elementary School (Canada)

“I just wanted to email to say thank you so much for coming along to school today. The activities were great, and the children were really engaged and amazed by the world of sound. Thanks for being great with our children and opening their eyes to the world around us.”
— The Meadows Primary Academy
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