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Lakshmi Priya Datta
English Lessons
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Bonjour Students, would you like to clear your concepts in cgemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology. I am here

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My objective as a teacher is to motivate my students to develop their own learning interests and critical thinking to establish an analytical mind, crucial for research. In particular, I have experience teaching— first-year chemistry/biochemistry graduation to masters' degree students. During my research career I have trained several PhD students at the University Paris Saclay & University of Burgundy, France, JNCASR, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER-Kolkata), KU. The teaching and supervision experinces made me aware of the needs and interests of diverse student bodies. As a result, I always prepare teaching plans considering the interconnection between the student’s own knowledge, their scientific background and the subject matter discussed. Collaborative learning is also central to my teaching philosophy in order to promote reflective thinking and improve the students’ knowledge and I prefer to make a connection between my field of study and their subject of interest. A bachelor’s degree in chemistry (B. Sc.), Masters’ of Science (M. Sc.) in Biochemistry, Masters’of Technology (M. Tech.) in Nanoscience and Technology, and PhD in Synthetic Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering have provided me ample knowledge in the diverse area of chemistry; material chemistry, medicinal chemistry and biochemistry are the bases of my strong knowledge in diversified area crucial for teaching in interdisciplinary fields. Based on current infrastructure of basic science research, graduation and post-graduation programs are the passageways to the establishment of student’s research career and it will be my mission to foster a wide and interdisciplinary environment that will assist the students to realize their full potential.
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