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2 reviews
Town/city/borough Northampton, City of Westminster, Westminster Abbey
English Lessons
2 reviews
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
Reviews from Miqueas's students: Reviews from Miqueas's students:
Miqueas was lovely to work with and I felt I improved a lot over the course of our tutoring.
Miqueas was lovely to work with and I felt I improved a lot over the course of our tutoring.
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£7 extra for travel
Usually teaches classes in
City of Westminster (London)
Westminster Abbey
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Secondary school
University students
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Professional tutor, Award-Winning Oxford Languages & Literature Graduate

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My name is Mika, and I am a professional tutor and education consultant, graduate of Oxford University & the Sorbonne University in French and Philosophy with Highly Commended Awards won in the Oriel College Lloyd Davies Philosophy Prize and the Oxford University French Film Competition.

Over the last month, I have been working through a tutoring programme with schools as an English GCSE tutor for students needing extra tuition, including those with SEND; I have a growing number of weekly students through this programme to date.
I worked as supplementary tutor for the Ethics classes at the Exeter College (Oxford) International Summer School 2022.
I have worked as a tutor specialising in the Oxbridge undergraduate admissions process, and successfully tutored students through the admissions process for Oriental Studies (Mandarin), MFL (French and Spanish), and English since 2019.
From 2020 to 2022 I worked as an EFL tutor for international students aged 4-10. I provided tutoring to GCSE French & Spanish students as an A level student for two years as a sixth former and worked as a Teaching Assistant on a six-month part-time placement in 2017. I was also trained as a Peer Supporter for the Exeter College, Oxford undergraduate community and fulfilled the role from 2019 to 2021.

I am keenly aware of the fact that each individual student has different educational needs in order to thrive academically, and I am committed to creating an encouraging and engaging environment for them to do so. I have a 'no stupid questions' policy - young people in education should feel encouraged to experiment and find their strengths and weaknesses without feeling limited, which in turn opens the door to significant improvement in their work. I encourage students to develop an effective and healthy ability to self-evaluate, and to develop the tools to improve.
I am also sensitive to the effects of neurodivergence and mental health issues on students’ educational needs, and I am very happy to tailor my tutoring to this to ensure that they get the most out of their tutoring.
2 reviews from Miqueas's current and former students
Robin Wilson and 1 others recommend Miqueas
Robin Wilson
Miqueas was lovely to work with and I felt I improved a lot over the course of our tutoring.
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Gus Woodward
Mika tutored in gcse English and I felt so much more confident as a result, earning a grade 9 in both English gcse's
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