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1st class free
First class free
Town/city/borough Cardiff, Butetown Community, Castle Community, Grangetown Community, Leckwith
English as a foreign language Lessons
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
First class free
Usually teaches classes in
Butetown Community
Castle Community
Grangetown Community
Level of the lessons
Level of the lessons
Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
University students
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I give quality private lessons online for anyone wanting to practise or improve their English or pass an exam

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I have a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics and am a qualified teacher with over fifteen years of experience. I have worked in various countries and on different continents, teaching English to people of all different ages and backgrounds. I am passionate about education, languages, and working with others to achieve their goals.

Most of my recent teaching work has been in Academic English, teaching research and study skills, as well as preparation for exams such as IELTS and Cambridge suite exams. I am friendly, approachable, organised, and punctual, and I take great care in planning suitable lessons and marking homework. I would like my students to be motivated and interested, and I, therefore, believe it is a two-way relationship. If I work hard, so will you.

We can focus on whichever skills you would like to work on, whether that be speaking, listening, pronunciation, writing, English for a specific need, vocabulary expansion, etc. I can also work with you to assess your needs if you are not sure. I am equally as keen to teach children, as I enjoy being with young people and facilitating their learning through play. Please contact me for more details and prices can be negotiable depending on the frequency of lessons, number of students, students' goals, etc. I can also provide testimonials if requested.
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