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career/life/wellbeing/resilience coach for self development

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I have been a wellbeing and resilience coach for 10 years helping successful CEO's, creatives, athletes and leaders to improve their quality of life by updating their 'operating system'. When they do this they access their potential and get to show up in all components of their life with greater confidence and authenticity. I believe that students should have these skills before they finish education so that they have real agency and emotional agility. The working world requires future leaders to have emotional intelligence, emotional agility, resilience and adaptability. when I say operating system I mean our subconscious, habitual beliefs and behaviours that we navigate life by. When we take the time to explore the 'bugs' in our system that are outdated and defensive, we get to release the limiting behaviours and beliefs and instead update the way we think and respond so t hat we are in our integrity and take aligned action. If you are interested in self-improvement and experiencing greater emotional agility and are ready to be pro-active rather than reactive then please get in touch, I'd love to support you. I use behavioural change psychology, mediation methods of non-confrontational communication and polyvagal theory for self/co-regulation and more.
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