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verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
University students
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Vocational Education and Training (VET): Transformational life coaching
Vocational Education and Training (VET): Pilates, Personal Training, Nutritional Advisor, Pre/Post natal specialist
Master's degree (M) (studying): Psychology of Kindness and wellbeing at work
Vocational Education and Training (VET): Embodied/somatic therapy
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Chloe in a nutshell
My intention for each session is to support you in improving the quality of your life, to build your confidence so that you feel empowered to make the right decisions for you. For this to happen I hold an unconditionally compassionate space where I am listening to you, not trying to fix you and I ask you the right questions to guide you towards your goals. Each session is a mixture of infusing yo...
My intention for each session is to support you in improving the quality of your life, to build your confidence so that you feel empowered to make the right decisions for you. For this to happen I hold an unconditionally compassionate space where I am listening to you, not trying to fix you and I ask you the right questions to guide you towards your goals. Each session is a mixture of infusing your life experience with the theory and different models of behaviour change, mindset change and embodied self-awareness resources in a way that feels applicable and useful to you outside of the sessions. The first phase is about self-awareness and mapping your existing resources, the cues to your habitual defence responses, your inner narrative/belief system and the external influences on your wellbeing. The second phase is about integrating different resources of self and co-regulation, befriending your nervous system, exploring your values and practicing self-care and pausing. The third phase is to continue to integrate and strengthen the new habits which will ultimately become your new 'operating system' to navigate your life by, and learn from any relapses.
After every session I do a thorough write up of our conversations, any key insights and interventions mentioned so that after our time working together you have your own self-development book that is specific to you. Self-development is for life
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