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I am a 3rd year undergraduate student at the University of Kent studying for a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology. My ambition is to complete my undergraduate degree and pursue further postgraduate study to train as a clinical psychologist. In order to do this, I decided to pursue a psychology degree that offered the potential for a placement in a clinical setting, such as the one I am applying for here. Since studying Psychology, I have always been intrigued by how past and current theories can be applied to real-life situations. One area in psychology that has been of particular interest to me is Biological psychology (especially learning about stroke patients and how such a traumatic event can impact the individual psychologically), which was a module that I enjoyed studying in first year and have continued to do so in second year. Therefore, being able to have the opportunity to witness this on a professional level but within psychological context is what inspired me to apply for this role.
I am interested in working for the Mental Health Services as it provides extensive treatment for those who suffer with moderate to complex mental health problems. The options that are given to patients such as in individual and group therapy gives them the best possible way to pave the way for recovery from difficulties such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. It is comforting knowing that the team consist of many experts such as psychiatrists, therapists and psychologists, who have gained many years of experience in array of fields and situations, therefore I can learn from these to potentially be able to apply these to my future career and patients. I appreciate that psychological interventions are appropriately used to be able to aid patients in improving their quality of life.
Over the past 2-3 years I have aimed to gain experiences that would improve my skillset to work in the field of clinical psychology. One such experience has been mentoring of students younger than myself to help them gain confidence within school and reach their target grades. As well as this, I decided to volunteer in a high school as a teaching assistant for biology and I worked alongside students who had learning difficulties such as dyslexia. In these experiences, I had to ensure that I maintained a nurturing and comforting persona.