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Alicia has the vision to facilitate the spiritual wellness of more people throughout the world, making space for those that are ready to embark on the journey of self discovery and tuning back into themselves, through reaffirming the truth that is "we are all here to live our best quality of lives and have greater power to choose the direction of our present day feelings and experiences.
Since 2018 Alicia has had the opportunity to work with and coach Students, mentored clients who are in prison, as well as offering remote online sessions, through a uniquely tailored personal development course, offering mindfulness hacks, empowering inner self-talk training, and more recently an empathetic listening service to clients to help them align their thoughts, feelings and actions with their soul purpose and calling.
Alicia has a CPD diploma qualification as a Life Coach & Alternative therapies
5 years active experience
Alicia Practices intuitive guidance as a part of her service and therefore recommends this as a means to reignite the knowledge we already have inside, instead of an advisory service telling others what they ‘should’ do. Alicia believes that each individuals life experiences shapes the way they view and show up in the world, therefore our choices are personal to us, with this method of guidance over Advisory service itenables clients to truly seeks within themselves the solutions, with their personal life experiences in mind - meanwhile using the tools offered to successfully implement positive changes, conquer fears and bloom into our greatest version