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Town/city/borough Beckenham
Primary school Lessons
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Usually teaches classes in
Clapham Junction
Tooting Bec
Tooting Broadway
Upper Tooting
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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1st class Medicine graduate with 6 years’ tutoring experience offering private science lessons in London or online.

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I have extensive teaching experience in medicine and science. During the last two years of medical school, I taught medical students in years 1-3, both on the wards and in the classroom, focusing on physiology and medical concepts to ensure they grasped both theoretical knowledge and clinical application. I have tutored GCSE students in physics and biology for over 6 years, helping improve their understanding of difficult topics and exam performance through structured lesson plans and individualised support. I provide clear and constructive feedback to build confidence and enhance critical thinking and learning abilities. In primary education, I have tutored both individual students and groups from years 3 to 11 in maths, science and English, tailoring my approach to each student’s needs and abilities. My experience includes teaching mixed-ability students in subjects such as maths, biology, chemistry, and physics, both online and in-person, covering content within and beyond the school curriculum. My diverse teaching experience across different educational stages and settings has equipped me with the skills to effectively support and enhance students’ learning in both one-on-one and group environments.
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