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Luis Aray
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Accounting Lessons
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Certified Public Accountant, Strategic Planning, Business Analyst and Advisor in Management, Administration and Finance

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LUIS ENRIQUE ARAY < I am a professional (CPA) with more than 17 years of experience in different related to business management (finance, accounting, budget, accounts payable and receivable, treasury, etc.). Strategic planning (how to unite the qualitative and quantitative information of the company through its operating cycle, generating reliable and instant information for decision making), in private and public companies.
In recent years I have worked as Manager, General Manager, Business Process Management and Business Analysis, and Director of Administration and Finance. Additionally, I have dedicated myself to the training of personnel, the creation, adaptation of processes and procedures of information data related to business management and its systematization. I have the experience of having under my supervision more than 80 workers.
I have had the responsibility of managing the financial area on several occasions and I know how important it is for the management and control of the business. Additionally, accounting has been part of my responsibilities, as well as the management and analysis of budgets related to the process or business cycle. All this has allowed me to be successful, since I have been able to present simultaneously and in real time the management and control of the three executions (financial, budget, and physical), which would allow them to have a clear vision of the current business management or management.

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