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Luis Aray
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Luis Aray
Town/city/borough Allenheads
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Luis Aray in a nutshell
Based on experience, we could cover various topics, including accounting, budgeting, strategic planning, business analysis, and processes. One of the main things I like to teach is that everything needs a theoretical and practical basis. I say this because many who want to learn accounting, for example, think that doing many practical exercises gives them mastery of accounting, and the truth is t...
Based on experience, we could cover various topics, including accounting, budgeting, strategic planning, business analysis, and processes. One of the main things I like to teach is that everything needs a theoretical and practical basis. I say this because many who want to learn accounting, for example, think that doing many practical exercises gives them mastery of accounting, and the truth is that it is not. One of the most complete topics that I would like to share and that covers practically all of the above, is about the relationship that exists between the operating cycle that makes the connection of the quantitative and qualitative information of the company. The classes will be dynamic and with examples based on my professional career.
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