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Towshik Ahmed
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Towshik Ahmed
Town/city/borough East Ham, Chathill, Ellingham, Lucker, Newham, Newham Hall
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Towshik Ahmed in a nutshell
Hi, i am Towshik Ahmed. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am doing MSC in Accounting and Finance at Kingston University london. I do have teaching experience of teaching business related subjects such as accounting , finance , management and marketing etc. Also i take immense pride in teaching and love to teach with utmost care and love.
Hi, i am Towshik Ahmed. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am doing MSC in Accounting and Finance at Kingston University london. I do have teaching experience of teaching business related subjects such as accounting , finance , management and marketing etc. Also i take immense pride in teaching and love to teach with utmost care and love.
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