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Town/city/borough Thornton Heath, City of Westminster, Holborn, Mayfair, Westminster Abbey
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Salma in a nutshell
The students I will tutor study English Language A-Level or study an English degree. In the first lesson, the students' strengths are identified and an action plan is created so we can see what the student needs help with i.e. sentence structure, vocabulary, expanding points, critical thinking, research etc. For upcoming lessons, students focus on developing their craft, using practice questions,...
The students I will tutor study English Language A-Level or study an English degree. In the first lesson, the students' strengths are identified and an action plan is created so we can see what the student needs help with i.e. sentence structure, vocabulary, expanding points, critical thinking, research etc. For upcoming lessons, students focus on developing their craft, using practice questions, vocabulary tests, topic mind maps, and so on. Feedback is given to students at the end of each lesson.
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