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Town/city/borough London, Aldgate, Shadwell (Greater ), Shoreditch, Stepney, Tower Hamlets ()
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Sadika in a nutshell
I have experience in teaching younger kids English since secondary school. I have helped my two younger brothers in their subjects and also my friends who have struggled with English essays or whether it be giving them tips on how to revise for their upcoming mocks or exams. The format I typically use when helping people out with this subject would be to constantly do essay planning or practice b...
I have experience in teaching younger kids English since secondary school. I have helped my two younger brothers in their subjects and also my friends who have struggled with English essays or whether it be giving them tips on how to revise for their upcoming mocks or exams. The format I typically use when helping people out with this subject would be to constantly do essay planning or practice but also help them understand the context of the novel, or poem. When it comes to revision I have always encouraged my friends and siblings to use flashcards and mind maps. I also understand how much boring and frustrating revision could be so I always encourage my siblings and friends to watch YouTube videos or live plays related to the novel and make easy and simple notes out of them. I also have experience in trying to teach people with autism as my youngest brother has this condition. So I can ensure you that my help can cater to each student's personal needs and difficulties. When it comes to teaching the students in person I also believe that making the actual lesson fun this could include fun activities that help the students absorb the information and enjoy learning at the same time.
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