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Rory in a nutshell
Over 10 years of experience in the Fitness industry working as a Personal Trainer and Online Coach, I conduct sessions online via Zoom which can be accessed from the comfort of your own home, at the gym or outdoors.

I specialise in functional based training focusing on developing physical strength, improving overall mobility and flexibility. Each session is designed to test your limits safely...
Over 10 years of experience in the Fitness industry working as a Personal Trainer and Online Coach, I conduct sessions online via Zoom which can be accessed from the comfort of your own home, at the gym or outdoors.

I specialise in functional based training focusing on developing physical strength, improving overall mobility and flexibility. Each session is designed to test your limits safely and in a controlled manner.

Programmes are designed specific to your needs and can be one in your own time to fit your schedule should you need more flexibility.
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