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Nidhin in a nutshell
I will tell you my story. I have been a studious student from the beginning of my schooling. I loved scoring good marks as it brought appreciation and gifts from my teachers and parents. When I was in grade 6, my Math teacher relocated to a different school. The new maths teacher was not as good as my first teacher and I found it difficult to understand what she was teaching. My family couldn’t a...
I will tell you my story. I have been a studious student from the beginning of my schooling. I loved scoring good marks as it brought appreciation and gifts from my teachers and parents. When I was in grade 6, my Math teacher relocated to a different school. The new maths teacher was not as good as my first teacher and I found it difficult to understand what she was teaching. My family couldn’t afford a private tutor so I struggled in grades 6 and 7 for mathematics. In grade 8, a new maths teacher came to our school. He was this funny, charming and dancing man who, I still remember, is one of my best friends and best teachers. I started liking maths because of him and dedicated more time to learning maths. Slowly maths became my favourite subject. Eventually, I ended up scoring full marks in 9th, 10th and 12th grade (scored 98 on 100 in 11th grade). If you can relate to some parts of my story, I can help you in some way. I am not sure whether I am as charming and cheerful as my maths teacher but I can definitely help you in understanding the basic concepts of maths and make it simpler for you. Trust me, maths is not as complex as we think, it needs some attention from our side and we will find it easy once we give that attention in the right way.
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