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Town/city/borough Ilford
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
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Kesaagini in a nutshell
During my tutoring sessions, I ensure a supportive learning environment where students can tackle mathematical challenges confidently. I customise each lesson based on the student's specific needs and preferences, whether it involves covering all topics thoroughly or focusing on particular areas requiring assistance. I am experienced in providing guidance with past papers and exam preparation to...
During my tutoring sessions, I ensure a supportive learning environment where students can tackle mathematical challenges confidently. I customise each lesson based on the student's specific needs and preferences, whether it involves covering all topics thoroughly or focusing on particular areas requiring assistance. I am experienced in providing guidance with past papers and exam preparation to help students prepare effectively. Drawing from my studies in Actuarial Science at Queen Mary University of London, I have a solid foundation in calculus, algebra, probability, and related subjects. My teaching method combines clear explanations with practical problem-solving techniques, adapting to various learning styles—be it visual, auditory, or hands-on. My aim is to foster a strong grasp of mathematics and empower students to achieve academic success.
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