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Town/city/borough London, Blackfriars, City of Westminster (), Holborn, Mayfair, Westminster Abbey
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Infant and nursery school
Secondary school
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Kayleigh in a nutshell
I am currently in my last term of teacher training. My lessons are always tailored around the learner and I fully put them at the centre. I would like to get to know a bit about you and your learning style and then I will plan and deliver lessons that make sense to you.
I firmly believe in making education fun and will strive to provide the most engaging lessons for you - if you’re not enjoying...
I am currently in my last term of teacher training. My lessons are always tailored around the learner and I fully put them at the centre. I would like to get to know a bit about you and your learning style and then I will plan and deliver lessons that make sense to you.
I firmly believe in making education fun and will strive to provide the most engaging lessons for you - if you’re not enjoying it, what’s the point?!
I have experience teaching in the early years settings and brief experience teaching up to year 6.
Regardless of the subject, I will provide my full support, knowledge and guidance to best support your educational journey.
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