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Town/city/borough Wimborne Minster, Canford Magna, Furzehill, Merley, Stone (Dorset)
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Jordan-Leigh in a nutshell
I have 11 GCSE’s all above a C
I have worked for 3 and a half years in a psychiatric ward in intensive care and got a nursing degree
I have 2 distinctions and a distinction star in medical science
I’ve worked in special education for almost a year and still do with ages from 2-19!
I have 11 GCSE’s all above a C
I have worked for 3 and a half years in a psychiatric ward in intensive care and got a nursing degree
I have 2 distinctions and a distinction star in medical science
I’ve worked in special education for almost a year and still do with ages from 2-19!
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