All lessons will be 100% tailored to your needs. Please send over any material that needs to be taught beforehand so that I can familiarize myself before we begin. I enjoy keeping the lessons interactive and engaging.
I have been a tutor in Vietnam, Cambodia, South Africa, and Online. Online I have taught children and adults from every corner of the globe.
My Bachelor's Degree and my life expe...
All lessons will be 100% tailored to your needs. Please send over any material that needs to be taught beforehand so that I can familiarize myself before we begin. I enjoy keeping the lessons interactive and engaging.
I have been a tutor in Vietnam, Cambodia, South Africa, and Online. Online I have taught children and adults from every corner of the globe.
My Bachelor's Degree and my life experience abroad, are both contributing factors to my understanding and love for Psychology. It brings me a lot of joy to be able to share this passion with the world and the students I teach.
A bit more about me-
I was born and grew up in South Africa. After finishing high school, I went to Nelson Mandela University, where I earned my Bachelor's in Psychology.
After graduation, I flew to Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City), where I taught for a year. When my contract expired there, I decided it was time for a new adventure and crossed the border to Cambodia. I stayed there in a small town called Snaam Bram Bee (I'm not sure of the spelling, but do know that it translates to "Wife Number 7"). After living there for a year and a half I moved to Kampot for 6 months and then the capital Phnom Penh for a year.
It has now almost been 2 years since moving back to South Africa where I love spending time with family and friends, but am also itching for a new adventure.
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