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University students
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Jamie in a nutshell
I have extensive experience tutoring at a university level, being both a peer tutor in various subjects of psychology and teaching assistant.

Currently I am obtaining my medical degree at St. George’s university school of medicine where upon graduating I plan to go into the field of psychiatry.

My lessons are simply catered to you and your needs. I like to hear your individual struggles and que...
I have extensive experience tutoring at a university level, being both a peer tutor in various subjects of psychology and teaching assistant.

Currently I am obtaining my medical degree at St. George’s university school of medicine where upon graduating I plan to go into the field of psychiatry.

My lessons are simply catered to you and your needs. I like to hear your individual struggles and questions first to be able to cater a study plan and goals completely unique and manageable for you. I typically like to utilize books and lecture my students with content review, quiz my students to ensure they are understanding and grasping the content.
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