My name is hssan moaminah known as captain garuda I lost 155 pounds without operation and achieved my first bodybuilding competition natural and became an author at austin macauley publisher by captain Garuda a tale of bravery kindness and a big heart
I offer a program can help reduce your weight 1 workout plan 2 nutrition plan 3 1 year psychology support services for free 4 1 year weekly follo...
My name is hssan moaminah known as captain garuda I lost 155 pounds without operation and achieved my first bodybuilding competition natural and became an author at austin macauley publisher by captain Garuda a tale of bravery kindness and a big heart
I offer a program can help reduce your weight 1 workout plan 2 nutrition plan 3 1 year psychology support services for free 4 1 year weekly follow-ups
When I teach my students about fitness I am not gonna tell you eat like a rabbit but I will teach you how to eat what you love by the right way without pain and make a good daily rabbit to reduce depression and anxiety and be more active in the community because bad habits make us stress to have anxiety to get depressed our life has ton of tasks but that what make us feel fine if we deal with it by the right way and no need to be 100% perfect like in the social media but if you made some even tiny that's better than nothing and later you gonna make a better performance in the next time never give up your dreams obesity stop lot of people to live their humanities and that need to change i belive if you took the first step and just try everyday belive you gonna make because even me I made a ton of lose my 155 pounds without operation and achieving my first bodybuilding competition natural
Take the first step throw the greatness in life and became the next hero
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