Independent living experience in the UK for over 5 years
Young professional in the fashion industry with profound design skills as well as business insights Have social ability and communication skills Creative learner and hard worker
Independency and ready to take new challenges
Coventry University
B.A Internation fashion business | Now
Studied project planni...
Independent living experience in the UK for over 5 years
Young professional in the fashion industry with profound design skills as well as business insights Have social ability and communication skills Creative learner and hard worker
Independency and ready to take new challenges
Coventry University
B.A Internation fashion business | Now
Studied project planning, coordination, and ethics
Worked with various startups on launching new business
and services, using Adobe app, Rhino
St. Margarets school for girls
A- levels Y12-Y13 |
Course: Maths, Further Maths, Philosophy.
Burgress Hill School for girls
GCSEs Y10-Y11 |
Course: English, Maths, Further Maths, Music, Religion,
Busienss, Biology, Chemistry, Physics.