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Town/city/borough London
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Hadia in a nutshell
Previously I have worked in the academy and there I used to teach English to school students of grade 6 and 7 and I have done this job for 2 years. My method is to explain the course content and module with the required details and information and then let the student use their understanding and do the practice so further onwards I clear the mistakes and misunderstandings and the next day and in...
Previously I have worked in the academy and there I used to teach English to school students of grade 6 and 7 and I have done this job for 2 years. My method is to explain the course content and module with the required details and information and then let the student use their understanding and do the practice so further onwards I clear the mistakes and misunderstandings and the next day and in the coming week, student will have the test to make sure they won't forget and retain the knowledge.
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