For math, we conquer unique topic for each lesson, depends on which exam you want to take. For example, if for math exam in GCSE, we take graph problems as the topic, and I teach the main knowledge point first to ensure you understand the reason why certain theorem is true. Then we practice one example first. And then you may solve another problem independently, and to see any situation occurs. T...
For math, we conquer unique topic for each lesson, depends on which exam you want to take. For example, if for math exam in GCSE, we take graph problems as the topic, and I teach the main knowledge point first to ensure you understand the reason why certain theorem is true. Then we practice one example first. And then you may solve another problem independently, and to see any situation occurs. Then we may use 20 mins in the next lesson to revise what we taught in last lesson then for new topic again.
As personal trainer, I learned Taekwondo and dancing for five years, it depends on the lesson you want, if that for strength, we may do arm, leg and waist practice. If that’s for your posture, we may do ligament, neck, arm practice to make you have elegant gesture.
I can also teach sketch in draw, I have learned that for six years, and we may begin from the basic shape, then to fruit and vegetable then to more complicate body parts, then to face.
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