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Town/city/borough Glasgow, Carntyne, Cessnock, Dennistoun, Partick, Pollokshields
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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Emily in a nutshell
I am a hard working and target driven individual, who is also a friendly an outgoing person. I like to teach using fun methods and make learning more enjoyable. Having worked with kids nearly my whole life, I have an understanding of the best ways to communicate with them. I have previously worked in a nursery with children of all ages and have been babysitting for many years as well as tutoring...
I am a hard working and target driven individual, who is also a friendly an outgoing person. I like to teach using fun methods and make learning more enjoyable. Having worked with kids nearly my whole life, I have an understanding of the best ways to communicate with them. I have previously worked in a nursery with children of all ages and have been babysitting for many years as well as tutoring and helping out with homework.
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