I am a traditional teacher with contemporary ideals for teaching. That means that I introduce the lesson, explain the concept of the lesson, define vocabulary related to the lesson, and then module expected responses for assigned tasks. Students must be intuitive, use their imagination, lean on research, study, and hard work. Cell phones and other forms of technology will be used for more advance...
I am a traditional teacher with contemporary ideals for teaching. That means that I introduce the lesson, explain the concept of the lesson, define vocabulary related to the lesson, and then module expected responses for assigned tasks. Students must be intuitive, use their imagination, lean on research, study, and hard work. Cell phones and other forms of technology will be used for more advanced work or independent study. Students must complete all tasks assigned even if they do not attend class. Class assignments will be posted in the Google Class. Each Google classroom will have a section for opening exercises, classwork, vocabulary, independent practice, exit tickets, quizzes, and unit tests. All late assignments will lose a letter grade. Late assignments cannot be turned in after 1 week unless the student has a medical or family emergency, and the student must send a pdf copy of the doctor's note or family note to corroborate and confirm absences longer than a week. Students will have the opportunity to make up should they receive failing grades on any assignment. At the end of each quarter, students with perfect attendance and grades above 80% will receive an award and gift. Hard work, dedication, and determination by any student should be rewarded.
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