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Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
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History Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
1 reviews
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
Reviews from Kieran's students: Reviews from Kieran's students:
Very patient tutor. Able to explain information in a very clear way and made learning fun. I made fantastic progress with Kierans help and highly recommend him
Very patient tutor. Able to explain information in a very clear way and made learning fun. I made fantastic progress wi...
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Ashley Cross
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Excel in your Maths, English & ICT Functional Skills Qualifications

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Get a bespoke tutoring plan, tailored to your unique abilities

Functional skills offer a foundation for progression into employment or further technical education and I help students to gain their qualifications with confidence and to the best of their abilities.

As an experienced Tutor and Qualified Teacher / Coach, I am highly skilled in supporting students with special educational needs (SEN) and / or who find themselves out of education, offering vast experience gained through multiple tutoring capacities and senior-level teaching positions within prestigious international schools. My goal is to provide a bespoke and enjoyable tutoring plan to help every student to realise their full potential.

I have a demonstrable record in helping students to achieve success in their exams and extensive knowledge of the standard structures expected of them, paying particular attention to the foundational elements to simplify the process, improve their understanding and enhance their revision / writing skills.

In addition to my teaching qualifications, I also hold certifications in iPGCE & SENco and a BA in History & Politics

Specialist Subject Knowledge:

English Entry Level / Level 1 / Level 2

Mathematics Entry Level / Level 1 / Level 2

Digital Skills Entry Level / Level 1 / Level 2

What you will get if you hire me:

➤ A FREE induction lesson with a detailed tutoring plan, tailored to your goals and abilities
➤ Bespoke lesson plans adapted to your individual progress
➤ A detailed progress report after every lesson
➤ Guided revision support to ensure you are on-track and adequately prepared

Why Choose Me as Your Preferred Tutor?

➤ I am a qualified teacher with specialist coaching certificates (PGCE & SENco)
➤ I have detailed SEN curriculum knowledge across mainstream and private schools
➤ I specialise in working with children from different pathways with a diverse range of abilities
➤ I provide impartial and honest feedback and the encouragement to succeed.

Are you ready to get started? - Book your free induction lesson and get a clear plan for the achievement of your goals.
1 reviews from Kieran's current and former students
Very patient tutor. Able to explain information in a very clear way and made learning fun. I made fantastic progress with Kierans help and highly recommend him
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Verified Tutor
Verified Tutor Kieran is a Verified Tutor
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