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Town/city/borough Stratford, Anlaby, Cottingham, Dunswell, Kingston upon Hull, Saint Andrews Quay, Willerby
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Secondary school
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Damilare in a nutshell
Over the years i have gained experience as a Teacher and teaching assistant , were i was supported the teacher in the classroom and providing one to one support to kids with needs or difficulty understanding
I have Deep understanding of teaching methods and strategies to effectively deliver curriculum content, I can teach student of all age grades , i have experience in teaching English , Histor...
Over the years i have gained experience as a Teacher and teaching assistant , were i was supported the teacher in the classroom and providing one to one support to kids with needs or difficulty understanding
I have Deep understanding of teaching methods and strategies to effectively deliver curriculum content, I can teach student of all age grades , i have experience in teaching English , History and Literature
Ability to maintain a positive, productive learning environment, manage student behavior, and create a safe and inclusive classroom, Strong verbal and written communication skills to convey concepts clearly and interact with students. i execute great Proficiency in designing assessments, evaluating student performance, and providing constructive feedback.
Ability to tailor instruction to meet the diverse needs of students, including those with special educational needs, I am competent in using educational technology tools to enhance teaching and learning. i Employ creative teaching methods to engage students and foster a love for learning.
When i was Teaching assistant i was helping in maintain order and discipline in the classroom, often by working with students who need additional support. Helping manage classroom resources, prepare materials, and support the teacher in planning activities.
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