I am a recent graduate of University of Hawai?i at Manoa and spent a year studying at University of Stirling in Scotland. My BA in history and political science combined with my passion for tutoring will provide a supportive and exciting environment for the student to engage and learn in.
My plan is to provide lessons and tutoring tailored to fit each individual students needs and then to provid...
I am a recent graduate of University of Hawai?i at Manoa and spent a year studying at University of Stirling in Scotland. My BA in history and political science combined with my passion for tutoring will provide a supportive and exciting environment for the student to engage and learn in.
My plan is to provide lessons and tutoring tailored to fit each individual students needs and then to provide an engaging and exciting lesson plan to provide the learning needed. Further, I will provide feedback on classwork and essays in these subjects. I am passionate about all subjects in history and political science with a focus on Indigenous politics, Scottish and Hawaiian history but will genuinely enjoy anything the student is engaged and interested in.
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