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Alison Chang
Alison Chang
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Alison Chang in a nutshell
When you get in touch with me, we'll discuss over messages what exam boards you study, where you're currently at in terms of your learning or revision and what you want to get out of our lessons. I will then do some research on my own of your exam board requirements, before we begin lessons which will be personalised and tailored to each individual student.

I'm friendly and approachable and get...
When you get in touch with me, we'll discuss over messages what exam boards you study, where you're currently at in terms of your learning or revision and what you want to get out of our lessons. I will then do some research on my own of your exam board requirements, before we begin lessons which will be personalised and tailored to each individual student.

I'm friendly and approachable and get you involved in lessons. I will always try to instil a genuine interest in you to learn about the subject for the sake of curiosity as opposed to rote memorisation for an exam, but first and foremost I respect the hustle to do well in your exams. Prior to exam season I can equip you with the necessary exam techniques, revision streamlining advice and cram information, all depending on when we start our lessons!

I personally achieved all 9s at GCSEs, and have just completed my Chemistry, Biology and History A Levels of which I am predicted to achieve A*s in July, so have been in your shoes very recently. I can totally relate to the stress you might be feeling, and can assure you from personal experience that it'll all turn out okay as long as you try your best :)

I will be going on to study History with a Year Abroad at UCL having gotten all 5 offers (3 from UCL, one from King's and one from Warwick) so am keen to give you book reading recommendations and personal statement writing sessions.

Ultimately, if you're goal is to achieve some fantastic grades at GCSE, then I will help get you there!
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