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Town/city/borough York, Clifton (City of ), Heslington, Heworth, New Earswick, Osbaldwick
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Secondary school
Education and qualifications
Education and qualifications
Bachelor's Degree: History
Master's degree (M) (studying): Psychology in Education
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Alicia in a nutshell
My lessons can be tailored to cover the unique areas each individual student requires extra help on. This can range from diverse content topics to exam question, essay writing and researching skills. Lessons can cover overviews of topics, down to detailed theories and studies students are struggling to understand, as well as going through assignment feedback to help the student better understan...
My lessons can be tailored to cover the unique areas each individual student requires extra help on. This can range from diverse content topics to exam question, essay writing and researching skills. Lessons can cover overviews of topics, down to detailed theories and studies students are struggling to understand, as well as going through assignment feedback to help the student better understand how and where to improve their marks.

My lessons will be fairly informal as I believe that the best way to learn is to be in a friendly and comfortable environment and to establish positive and supportive relationships with teachers/mentors. I am open to meeting in person (if within a certain proximity) as I am aware this can be beneficial and more suited to some student's learning styles, however, I am also happy to deliver sessions online as this allows for increased flexibility and ease. I am also more than happy to accommodate students with additional learning requirements (e.g. dyslexia, etc.).

Having spent the last 4 years at university completing my BA History and MSc in Psychology in Education, I am more than competent and experienced to teach lessons to a high standard. Furthermore, I am a very compassionate, patient and organised person who is ready and excited to get stuck in deliver engaging lessons! I look forward to working with you :)

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