Theoretical and Practical teaching incorporates professional study-skills . Flexible student-centred approach etc . Also includes Industrial and Educational advice and experience.. If possible, I will use real and experimental models and will incorporate exam- based examples to illustrate and encourage confidence and nascent abilities., I also am keen on developing a love for the subject of Chemi...
Theoretical and Practical teaching incorporates professional study-skills . Flexible student-centred approach etc . Also includes Industrial and Educational advice and experience.. If possible, I will use real and experimental models and will incorporate exam- based examples to illustrate and encourage confidence and nascent abilities., I also am keen on developing a love for the subject of Chemistry (and link it to other areas of expertise and knowledge.. My students will feel valued whatever their abilities.. Although I am extremely highly qualified, I had to overcome ill-health and self-confidence problems to get where I operate as a Professional .. This experience I share with humour and understanding and I strive to infuse enthusiasm in my lessons with my students.. Love of the subject (s) incorporated in Chemistry is as important as ability.. Problem-solving is based on a clear understanding of the theory and practice behind the task-in-hand.. Wherever the knowledge inherent in my students, I try to encourage their progress by drawing on existing knowledge and increasing it - and so their confidence., I will use IT as well as books and consideration of the background facts to enhance progress.. Commencing slowly and painstakingly at first, in order to build-up confidence, I - together with my student(s) - will progress at a rate based on increasing the student(s) ability through worked examples of problems.. Initially, I/we will work at a rate governed by the student’s progress.. But this will naturally increase as the solution of problems progresses.. Nothing beats gradual enhancement of abilities through problem-solving ..As a student comes to appreciate their own progress, so their knowledge, skills and abilities will increase.,