How can I read music easily?

Lucy 5 answers
How can I read piano music easily? I feel that I have a very bad memory and I am struggling to read the music :(
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Hi, Laurent. I will advise you get a basic knowledge of music theory and sight reading. This should help a great deal.
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You need to start from grade 1 and very slowly at the beginning. Until you manage to play grade 5 pieces you need to focus in the process of reading easy pieces.Sight reading is a skill that takes time and you need to practice daily to get the best results of improvement.
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If you read unknown notes regularly, your reading will improve.
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please start from grade 1 and try to develop great passion for music. Music is very exciting and so easy to learn
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To make reading piano music easier: Learn mnemonics (e.g., "FACE" for treble spaces). Practice hands separately before combining. Focus on small sections rather than the whole piece. Memorize patterns like chords and scales. Practice regularly to build familiarity. It'll get easier over time with consistency!
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