Who is the father of science?

Shahab 46 answers
I’ve heard someone is called the "father of science." Who is this person and what did they contribute to science?
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The title "Father of Science" is often attributed to Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, physicist, and mathematician who played a pivotal role in the Scientific Revolution during the Renaissance. Galileo's contributions to science are profound and varied: Heliocentrism Support: Galileo provided crucial support for the Copernican theory that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. His observations through a telescope, such as the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter, offered strong evidence against the geocentric model, which held that the Earth was the center of the universe. Improvement of the Telescope: Although Galileo did not invent the telescope, he significantly improved it, allowing him to observe celestial bodies in unprecedented detail. His work led to discoveries such as the craters and mountains on the Moon, the Milky Way's composition of stars, and the aforementioned moons of Jupiter, known as the Galilean moons. Law of Inertia: Galileo's work laid the groundwork for classical mechanics, particularly his formulation of the law of inertia, which later became a fundamental part of Newton's first law of motion. He conducted experiments by rolling balls down inclined planes, demonstrating that an object in motion would remain in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Scientific Method: Galileo is also credited with advancing the scientific method, emphasizing experimentation, observation, and the use of mathematics to describe natural phenomena
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Surendra Parmar
Aristotle - ancient Greek philosopher= biology, metaphysics, physics, ethics and natural science. Classification and prepared groundwork for the scientific methods
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This has got be a subjective judgement-Newton, Galileo etc., but many would say Francis Bacon (1620), who broke with Aristotle to propose a new way of acquiring knowledge based on analysis of data and then drawing conclusions from that data. Without Bacon, no-one would have thought about doing experiments, so I'd say he was indeed the Daddy of science!
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Aristotle is the father of science
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Galileo is popularly known as the father of science. He was a teacher, philosopher, astronomer, and physicist known to be an important part of the scientific revolution. Because of his experimental scientific methodologies, he is called the Father of Modern Astronomy, the Father of Modern Physics, and the Father of Science.
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Galileo is known to be the father of Science because he was the first one who linked theory with experiment.
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father of science is often attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. He is considered one of the earliest figures to systematically study various fields of knowledge, including biology, physics, astronomy, and many others
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Galileo Galilei is known as the father of science. It’s mainly because he was the first person who used telescope and reported observations like the moon, rings of Saturn, moons of Jupiter
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father of science is most commonly associated with Galileo Galilei. Galileo is often referred to as the "father of modern science" due to his substantial contributions to the scientific method and his revolutionary work in physics, astronomy, and other fields during the late Renaissance.
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Galileo Galilei is known as the "father of modern science." He made significant contributions to the field of science, astronomy, etc. Few examples of his discoveries were the moons of Jupiter, and the phases of the moon of Earth.
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Amna Hussain
The "Father of Science" is often considered to be “Aristotle” due to his foundational contributions to various fields of science and philosophy. However, “Galileo Galilei” is also frequently referred to as the "Father of Modern Science" for his pioneering work in physics and astronomy.
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Galileo Galilei, known as the "father of science," revolutionized science by pioneering the scientific method, discovering Jupiter's moons, and advancing physics with his studies on motion and inertia, emphasizing observation and experimentation as foundations for scientific inquiry.
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Galileo Galilei is considered as the father of science due to his accomplishments and contributions to science. He earned this name due to the method of experimentation, which lead to his many discoveries.discoveries were the moons of Jupiter, and the phases of the moon of Earth are a number of discoveries carried by galelieo.
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Galileo Galilei pioneered the experimental scientific method and was the first to use a refracting telescope to make important astronomical discoveries. He is often referred to as the “father of modern astronomy” and the “father of modern physics”. Albert Einstein called Galileo the “father of modern science.
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Shahab - in a strict treatment of your question, probably Francis Bacon is the answer. He gave us the scientific method we use today - a powerful method to discover truth. Remember though that before Bacon there were people who made notable science discoveries eg Galileo, Copernicus, Vesalius and others. However their discoveries were mostly the result of accurate observation rather than experiment which is where Bacon comes in. Also remember that ideas (hypotheses) are confirmed if the results of experiments tally with the expected outcomes of the initial idea, but that if the experimental results don't tally with the original idea, then the idea is falsified - falsification is an essential component of the scientific method.
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The title "Father of Science" is often attributed to "Aristotle". He made significant contributions to various fields, including biology, physics, astronomy, and logic, laying the foundation for the scientific method. His work influenced scientific thought for centuries, making him a key figure in the development of science as a discipline.
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Galileo is a father of science. Due to his experiments and work in investigating the laws and facts of science.
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Galileo Galilei
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Arpana Pandey
Galileo Galilei is considered the father of modern science due to his accomplishments and contributions to science. He earned this name due to the method of experimentation, which lead to his many discoveries. Few examples of discoveries were the moons of Jupiter, and the phases of the moon of Earth
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Vivek Tiwari
Father of science is Galileo Galilee.
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Galileo Galilei is considered the father of modern science due to his accomplishments and contributions to science.
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the father of science'. Galileo was an experimentalist who for the first time had the insight and talent to link theory with experiment.
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Clement Model Frimpong Ntiamoah
A father first of all has to be the source of something. Looking at it this way, Aristotle can't be denied the title 'father of Science'. The systematic way he approached natural phenomena was exceptional. Again, his contributions to science is evident in biology, physics, logical reasoning, metaphysics and ethics.
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Galileo Galilei
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Galileo Galilei
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Each branch of science has their own ‘father’ of science, Isaac Newton for physics with his laws of motion. Galileo for astronomy when he built the first telescope or Antonie Van Leeuwennhoek for microscopy when he discovered bacteria. So I would say there is no one definitive ’father of science’ but there are many fathers who have made their groundbreaking discoveries for their own fields.
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Galileo Galilei is the father of science
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The title can vary depending on the specific scientific discipline and historical perspective. But generally the "Father of Science" is often Galileo Galilei because he used experiments and careful observation to learn about the world, like studying the stars with a telescope. He helped start the way we do science today. Other important figures like Aristotle and Isaac Newton also played big roles in shaping science.
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Galileo Galilei who is known as the father of science. Sir Francis Bacon, 1561-1626. The father of the scientific method, the genius who equipped the world with the tools that ignited the Scientific Revolution and changed the world forever. “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” - Isaac Newton in 1675.
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Imhotep. He was the first physician in Egyptian history.
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So the father of science is Galileo Galilei, he was an astronomer and he invented the early thermometer
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Hi..the person who is known as the father of science is Galileo Galilei.... it's is due to it's too much experimental experience in the field of science....
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Rajeshwar Anugu
We have different branches of science as in another question of this blog. For example, Aristotle is Father of Philosophy and Biology. Galileo is Father of Astronomy, John Gregor Mendel is Father of Genetics, Theophrastus is Father of Botany ( specific science), Alfred Nobel is the Father of Chemistry, Albert Einstein is the Father of Physics, Sir Ijack Newton is the Father of Gravitational sciences, Alexander Graham Bell is the Father of Communication Sciences and there is a specific discoverer in each science who became father of that specific science.
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Rajeshwar Anugu
We have different branches of science as in another question of this blog. For example, Aristotle is Father of Philosophy and Biology. Galileo is Father of Astronomy, John Gregor Mendel is Father of Genetics, Theophrastus is Father of Botany ( specific science), Alfred Nobel is the Father of Chemistry, Albert Einstein is the Father of Physics, Sir Ijack Newton is the Father of Gravitational sciences, Alexander Graham Bell is the Father of Communication Sciences and there is a specific discoverer in each science who became father of that specific science.
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Many would argue it was probably Darwin, considering what he did in terms of evolution - all the theories involving natural selection really shaped our view on biology.
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Dennis Merlin
For me Galileo could be the Father of Science because.he started the step by step solving a scientific problem using his Scientific Method concept.
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James Rodgers
The Italian scientist and philosopher Galileo Galilei is the ‘father of the modern science’ because he largely contributed to the scientific revolution. He is popularly known as the astronomer who used the telescope for celestial observations. He also focused on experimentation on motion and emphasis on the mathematical explanation of natural phenomenon.
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