What´s the best Shakespeare play to study?

Melanie 2 answers
My class is studying Macbeth while my friends in another class are studying Romeo and Juliet, which seems more interesting to me. Which one is easier to study?
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Leena Tageldin
Verified Tutor
Macbeth has much more to analyse content-wise, and is better to write essays about. Romeo and Juliet is a more simple and less challenging play, meaning it is harder to reach the higher marks as there is less high-quality quotations to analyse.
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Macbeth has a lot of theories and conspiracies revolving around the Witches, free will and God, which means that you can write decent essays about it. Whilst interesting, Romeo and Juliet doesn't have the same level of context, theories and, therefore you can't write as detailed essays about it.
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